- quoll
- кволл, крапчатая сумчатая куница или тигровая кошка (Dasyurus viverrinus; охотится на птиц и мелких животных; обитает на востоке Австралии)
Australia and New Zealand. English-Russian dictionary of regional studies. 2014.
Australia and New Zealand. English-Russian dictionary of regional studies. 2014.
Quoll — Tiger quoll (Dasyurus maculatus) Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia … Wikipedia
Quoll — (kw[o^]l), n. (Zo[ o]l.) A marsupial of Australia ({Dasyurus macrurus}), about the size of a cat. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
quoll — /kwol/ noun Any of several small Australian marsupials, a native cat ORIGIN: From an Aboriginal language … Useful english dictionary
quoll — noun Etymology: short for je quoll, from Guugu Yimidhirr (Australian aboriginal language of northern Queensland) dhigul Date: 1770 any of a genus (Dasyurus) of small spotted carnivorous marsupials of Australia and New Guinea … New Collegiate Dictionary
quoll — noun Any of the various carnivorous marsupials of the genus Dasyurus found in Australia and New Guinea, roughly the size of a cat. 1770: Another was calld by the natives Je Quoll: it is about the size and something like a polecat, of a light… … Wiktionary
quoll — /kwɒl / (say kwol) noun 1. any of several cat sized, predatory marsupials of the genus Dasyurus, having slender, white spotted bodies and very pointed snouts; native cat. 2. Also, eastern quoll. a carnivorous marsupial, Dasyurus viverrinus, from… …
quoll — viverinė sterbliakiaunė statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Dasyurus viverrinus angl. eastern Australian native cat; eastern dasyure; quoll vok. Tüpfel Fleckenbeutelmarder rus. крапчатая сумчатая куница… … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas
Quoll oriental — El quoll oriental (Dasyurus viverrinus) es un marsupial pequeño. Hay 6 especies de quolls, todas en Australia y Nueva Guinea; la mayor parte tiene cuerpos delgados y ágiles, ojos grandes y pelaje moteado. Incluida su cola, llegan a medir 75 cm de … Enciclopedia Universal
quoll — quọll → quellen * * * quọll, quọ̈l|le: ↑ 1quellen. * * * quọll, quọ̈l|le: 1↑quellen … Universal-Lexikon
quoll — quọll Imperfekt, 3. Person Sg; ↑quellen … Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache
quoll — native cat like marsupial of Australia Unusual Animals … Phrontistery dictionary